Amy Charlotte Kean
Londoner, author, cheeky, crisp, clear
(25 - 40 years)
We are absolutely obsessed with Amy’s larger than life personality. As a bestselling author, poet, futurist, lecturer and diversity activist, Amy is also an in-demand podcast guest and public speaker talking about the weird, the wonderful, and the brave. She’s the ultimate guru of the creative industry and we bow down to her magnificence!
Amy’s voice is sunny and cheeky with a lovely bubbly character. Her London accent peaks out here and there in her friendliness that is gelled together with an undertone of whiplashing wit and gentle gravitas. Amy’s voiceover prowess enabled her to play a TV presenter in an animated short, voice an ad for a dating app, and record many internal training videos for the likes of Publicis Groupe and Shine Productions. If you want to book her, better get in early as she’s going to be in demand!
I have 8,988 Twitter Followers
More about our Ace Talent:
Do we have enough room here to mention all of Amy’s accolades? Our fingers will certainly get cramp and drop off from typing so much, but we have to try and at least give you an iota of satisfaction with our curated pinhole view of her achievements:
Amy is the founder of Six Things Impossible, specialising in no-nonsense culture and creative consultancy alongside hosting a show called “HOW NOT TO” for shots magazine. She is also co-founder of DICE: diversity and inclusion in conferences and events and a lecturer at Kingston University. She has a Twitter following of 8,988 and has been mentioned favourably in The Drum, The Marketing Society, Pitch Magazine, The Future of Creativity, Creative brief, Shots Awards, and was even called ‘Superwoman’ somewhere in there too! How can we top Superwoman?
One of the books she authored recently and voiced for the audiobook version is the “The Little Girl Who Gave Zero F*cks” which shows her courageous imagination that is inspirationally in line with modern-day feminism in fairy tale form.
Want to know more? Ask her about dreamvertising, or how she devised a Cultural Index for Adidas or about the time she launched One Direction’s album – knowing even just 10% of what Amy gets up to will leave you gobsmacked and that’s why we’re fans of the multidimensional work she does with passion and gusto.
You’re our hero, Amy!